On Saturday 18 January 2020 Robert Stanier, vicar of Surbiton, will lead a wine-tasting in St. Mark’s Hall at 7.15pm to help raise money for the UK Friends of the Shepherd’s Hospice – a local charity that supports palliative and primary medical care in Sierra Leone.
The tasting will enable you to judge the quality of inexpensive supermarket wines. It is not so long ago that supermarkets mostly sold dull branded wines made in factories – which they made worse by putting them on shelves underneath hot lights. Today one can buy good wines from supermarkets at reasonable prices – but which chain should you go to?
The hall is adjacent to St. Mark’s Church in St. Mark’s Hill, Surbiton. (Map)
This will be a free event, but those attending will be encouraged to give at least £15 to UKFTSH. Please let Peter Stokes know if you will be coming so that the right amount of wine can be provided. You can contact him at [email protected] or on 020 8399 2527.